Do you wear a uniform?
What are your favourite games when you go to the playground?
Do you like living in your country?
Would you like living in Spain?
How is your school?
What kind of food do you eat in your country?
Would you like travelling to our country?
What instruments do you play?
What sort of extra activities do you do at school?
Do you study English? How many hours a week?
Have you ever been to Spain?
What are the most traditional songs in your country?
What other languages do you study?
When do you have holidays?
What are your traditions?
When does the course start in your country?
What subjects do you study?
How is your country?
What’s the thing that you like the most about your culture?
What’s your timetable?
Do you know any spanish words?
How do you celebrate christmas?
Do you like your culture?
What is the meaning of your national flag ?
In which class do the students start to learn a second language ?
What are the names of your traditional folk dances ?
How are your traditional clothes ?
What kind of food do you eat in your country ?
What are the names of your the most famous artists in your country and in which part of art ?
Can you explain your education system shortly ?
Why were the buildings in Venice built in water ?
Have you ever been in Turkey ? if yes, where have you been? . Did you like it?
In our country among the young people rap music is very popular , what about your country ?
Which part of art are you successful ?
Which activities are there in your schools ?
What are your most famous historical places and can you explain the history of them ?
What is the length of Pisa Tower and why is it slant ?
Do you know anything about Islam?
Which is your national dish?
What age do the children start school at?
How many teachers teach in your class?
What is your favourite food?
Do you leave your textbooks at school?
What do you wear at school? Do you wear a school uniform?
Do you have any relatives or friends in our country?
When do you start and finish your school day?
What foreign languages do you study at school?
What is your school like?
If you could visit some of the partner countries, which one would you choose?
What is your religion and what does it teach?
When does your school day start and finish?
What is your favourite Christmas dish?
What are your traditional dances?
Do you know anything about our country?
Do you take part in competitions?
Which is the most popular sport in your country? Do you have a national one?
Do you go to school trips and schools among the nature (green schools)?
When are your school holidays? What do you do during them?
How old is your school?
What are your marks at school?
What do the colours of your flag mean?
Is your country monarchy or republic?
What are your typical customs and traditions?
Which are the most popular names in your country?
What subjects do you study at school?
What is your typical school day?
What do you like doing in your free time?
What are your national holidays?
Are you given pocket money by your parents for school? We receive free breakfast at school. What about you?
What are the most famous places of interest in your country?
What board do you write on in your classroom?
Is there a fair in your town?
What do you do in technology?
1. Have you already been abroad?
- Yes
- No
2. Who did you travel with?
- Family?
- Friends?
- Others?
3. Why did you go abroad?
- Holidays?
- Studying?
- Others?
4. Which countries did you visit?
5. Which one did you like most?
6. Which one didn’t you like?
7. Have you had any problems with the language?
8. Would you like to visit a special country? Why?
QUESTIONS for teachers
1. Have you already been to Portugal?
- Yes
- No
2. Who did you travel with?
- Family?
- Friends?
- Others?
3. Why did you go to Portugal?
- Holidays?
- Studying?
- Others?
4. What did you like most?
5. What places did you visit?
6. What other places would you like to visit?
7. Have you had any problems with the language?
8. What is your opinion about Portugal?