§ Final layout of the protocol: - handbook to be spread among the school and local community - upload it on the school and project websites (each country has to write down a paper in which it should list ten main ideas or knowledges, based on its own experience, about how to welcome a foreign student at school, and send it to the coordinator. The coordinating school collects all the ideas and write the final document.);
§ Production of a CD with all the activities carried during the two years;
§ Final layout of the shared language course published on each school website;
§ Final questionnaire for students to evaluate its impact and the level of satisfaction of the people involved, processes and feelings (the coordinating school send it to the other schools, each school gives to the children involved and collect the results starting from the first week of May; the coordinating school receives all the data the week before Slovenia);
§ Project meeting in Slovenia from 24th to 27th of May: final evaluation of the activities carried out, exchange of all the materials produced to record on a CD to be given all students and communities (the students will be shared into groups, each group will cook a traditional dish, build a toy, etc under the guide of a foreign teacher);
§ Final exhibition about the project - Comenius Inter-cool-ture Day : meeting of all the students involved in the project inside their own school to celebrate the importance of the topic. It will be held in cooperation with people belonging to different foreign communities of the area. Local press will be involved (Bulgaria will celebrate it on the 9th of May- European Day);
§ Project hymn: the two italian schools will write down the text and the music of an Inter-Cool-Ture song to learn and sing during the final meeting;
§ Project group on FaceBook: the Portuguese school subscribes a group on Facebook;
§ Project Blog at the following address: http://inter-cool-ture.blogspot.com.