• The main priority when a student arrives to Bambini it’s his/her integration in the group class.
• We value the student knowledge in all the subjects.
• Once we know the problem of each student, the Department of Psychology takes him/her individually to deal with his/her needs.
• If the student has linguistic problems, we help him/her especially in this area.
• Visual material
• Speaking
• Spanish and catalan material, such as worksheets, story books, DVDs, songs…
• Walking around the school
Testing newcomers
• Knowledge of the new language:
Spanish: ____ yes ____ no
Catalan: ____ yes ____ no
• If the student knows Spanish, he/she will learn Catalan.
• If the student knows neither Spanish nor Catalan, first we’ll introduce him/her Catalan and later on he/she will learn Spanish.
• Groups of about 4 students, depending on their needs.
1. Parents, teachers and school authorities may request the assistance of a free intercultural mediator who speaks Creole (Cape Verdean), Chinese, Romanian, Bulgarian, Russian ... These mediators work on a voluntary basis, with parents, guardians, students, who volunteer at the beginning of the school year to achieve this mediation, if necessary.
May provide the following services:
• Translate during interviews between teachers, pupils and parents.
• Provide information about previous schooling in home country.
• Ensuring the oral or written translations, eg, letters from teachers or biographical records of the student.
• Accompany the student in case of psychological support in connection with the school.
2. In a community this size, the integration has to be performed mainly at the class level and classroom for projects implemented there. The class council works for the school as the family works for society: it is the cell base where all the educational action is structured in order to provide inclusion. The Annual Plan of Activities must be seen as a way to diversify and enrich the curriculum through the projects proposed and driven by the students. In its formation we must be careful not to create cultural ghettos who become lobbyists, difficult to manage. If we consider the diversity and richness, then we must try to balance the number of boys and girls, the inclusion of pupils with special characteristics, whether linguistic or cultural, or with special educational needs.
3. In addition to class projects, students, depending on their motivation or their needs, must attend various clubs and projects that the school has to offer. What matters is getting the creation of effective and affective ties of belonging to school and hence to each other, through the development of joint projects, either within the curriculum or extra-curricular, so that everyone has a chance of success. It is in this way we understand the educational success.
4. Many of the students who come to school they speak badly or they almost don’t speak the English language, critical factor in learning in all areas of knowledge. The main agents of inclusion remain the Portuguese and foreign students with more time spent, making them responsible of fellow newcomers. They are more effective than adults in promoting certain forms of aid such as the first words and concepts (days of week, time, forms of greeting, etc..) Or the simple routines of school life, such as booking of meal vouchers more easily learned informally from peers than in the context of the classroom. Initially, they will facilitate the social student’s integration in school and the acquisition of vocabulary appropriate to the needs and experience of various situations of daily school life (vocabulary needed in the classroom, school material, the use of the cafeteria and the different spaces of the school ...). These moments are experienced by different students during breaks and in situations outside the classroom which favors the establishment of personal interactions and ties of friendship and mutual aid. All students (foreign and Portuguese) must feel as part of a whole that makes sense only when the parties lived interaction. Those who want to be integrated, or are already integrated should feel the impact and appreciation of their contribution in their peers. Motivation and advance preparation of students in the class must be part of the curricular project of this class and the responsibility is of the class council.
5. The reinforcement in the abilities in Portuguese language is set in motion since the beginning. As a first step, it is necessary to understand the cultural and linguistic support of the student. The student brings a language that normally falls into two types of situation: they do not have any kind of communication (Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian ...) or that allows a partial communication (those from PALOP, Latino or Anglo -Saxon ...). We need a diagnostic language but also a global understanding of the cultural and social support of students. It is this knowledge that allows us to plan all the actions throughout the year. This has as main actors the student, students, classmates, the teacher of Portuguese and the other teachers of the class council. Its fundamental purposes are the acquisition and lexical development, cooperative and intercultural learning. Teachers from different disciplines, having a diagnosis organize a schedule that includes hours of individual support to the Portuguese language and other disciplines where most significant difficulties occur. The class council builds the curriculum of the class from the characteristics of the group and developing small projects that address multicultural sharing, cooperation, respect for others and acceptance of other linguistic and cultural values involving, where possible, parents of all students in the class. The Portuguese teacher at the stage of integration must give greater importance to the field of "Listening" and "Speaking" simultaneously with the acquisition of new vocabulary. One strategy is the selection of small simple texts, with basic vocabulary appropriate to the age and needs of the student. “Reading” should be done by the teacher and with the help of tutors chosen for this role so that the pupil can verbally display the main ideas of the text that also reads. In the field of “Writing”, the student begins by simple sentences, records of classes from different disciplines and Portuguese Language teacher guides the student in order to teach him some regularities of grammar. The student will be motivated to produce small written texts that the teacher in individual support, with the support from tutors or other teachers from other disciplines correct and the student rewrite them. In situations of greater difficulty, as the complete lack of English language (eg. Chinese pupils), the teacher's work must be supported with pedagogical partnerships within and outside the classroom and the use of computer resources and other audio-visual resources. In the areas of speaking and writing, the teacher encourages students to share experiences about their country of origin and their new linguistic and cultural situation.
6. Creation of an Office to Support Integration of Foreign Students
After the implementation of the first phase of the project, integration of foreign students and subsequent identification of the same, we will create an Office of Support for Foreign Students. We will compile and make circulate a schedule of attendance for those students, to allow access for all to this structure:
- Supported fulfilling of the Reception sheet (that we are going to create and which is going to be translated into the languages with greater representation in the foreign community that attend this school);
- Detection and overcome difficulties in daily school life and the wider community
- Sharing experiences and knowledge;
- Collection of materials representing the various cultures to organize a show to the community;
- Support for communication between students and the various structures of the school.
• The school counsellor fills in the enrolment paper .
• The school counsellor is given all the school documentation (certificates,...)
• The SC informs the parents about how the school is organised, the classes, the meetings with teachers and gives them the school brochure.
• The SC informs the parents about the possibility of financial support for school meals, books, camps… via the school charity fund.
• The SC shows the parents and the child to the library where they get all the information about the books and other material they need for a certain class.
. The SC talks to the parents about the day the child will be brought to the class (in 3 days)
• The SC nostrificates the school certificate.
• The SC requests for an additional lesson of the Slovene language for a foreign pupil at the Ministry of Education and Sports.
• The SC includes the child into a certain class according to the number of pupils in it, their characteristics, the number of pupils with special needs in it,…
• The SC tells the classteacher and all the other teachers of the class about the new pupil.
• The teachers accept the plan of work with the pupil. Such a pupil does not have to be marked at Slovene for two years.
• The classteacher discusses the arrival of the new pupil with the class.
• The classteacher takes care of a new sitting order. The new pupil is sat by somebody who is willing to accept him/her and help him/her.
• The classteacher meets the parents and the pupil at the SC and accompanies the pupil into his new class.
• The CT organizes a class lesson where the pupils get to know eachother through the presentation of the things they're good at, their qualities.
• The CT organizes help for the newcomer.
• The teacher in charge of the foreign pupils invites the child and arranges the weekly timetable for learning Slovene.
• The SC and the teacher in charge of the foreign pupils organize a meeting with the people from the daily centre organized by the Centre for Social Work of Slovenj Gradec. They present the possibility of learning our language through games, stories and other free-time activities twice a week.
• The class teacher is in constant contact with the parents and the child.
• The SC informs the parents and the child about language courses outside the school.
• Come to the SC's office with the child.
• They bring all the documentation (an ID, a birth certificate, a certificate about their residency, all the certificates translated into Slovene)
• Take care of buying all the books and other materil needed.
• . They meet the class teacher and make a plan about constant cooperation with the school .
- They tell the child he won't be marked for some time.
• The pupil attends school lessons and other activities regularly.
• If they need help they talk to the SC or the classteacher.
• Enable the child to communicate with Slovene-spoken children as much as possible after school.
• Takes part in different activities to be exposed to Slovene as musch as possible.
• Presents himself and the place of his origin in the class.
The cooperation between parents children and teachers is very important in all areas of educational.
INTRODUCTION AND AIMS:In the schools of our institute there are foreign students of different nationalities and they are steadily increasing.
To foster their integration it’s necessary to plan situations, activities, etc. aimed at the acknowledgement, respect and appreciation of different identities, the comparison and exchange among different cultures, the mutual knowledge of each one’s traditions and lifestyles. The presence of different cultures can represent a resource for the group, stimulating comparison, relationships and integration of different identities, becoming a chance to different courses of learning.
In our institute there are 51 foreign students: 11 in the pre-school, 26 in the primary school and 14 in the level 1 secondary school. We consider them a value: meeting/knowing the other we can be enriched and have the opportunity to acquire values and develop our personality in an original way.
It’s necessary to plan the education to diversity with the following aims:
• Give value to each one’s origins and language
• Compare the different identities
• Don’t forget the link between students’ and teachers’ trainings
• Improve Italian language learning
• Share contacts with the territory
• Promote intercultural education.
ADDRESSES:Students, families, teachers, management and operators.
When a foreign student enrols in a school, it’s necessary to have:
1. a bilingual questionnaire to collect information about him/her and his/her family (school attendance, expectations about school, difficulties, etc.)
2. the school POF in different languages
3. list of materials required in different languages
4. information about the school in different languages (school canteen, tax exemption, etc.)
• When a foreign student enrols in a school , he/she has to be inserted in a class that corresponds to his/her age if the context, methodologies and contents are suitable.
• If the foreign student doesn’t know the Italian language at all, during the first three months of school he/she has to follow only the Italian language courses ( we have to survey about the opportunities in the territory and set up our internal resources).
• If in the class there are other difficult cases, the headteacher will take the final decision about the choice of the class.
The relationship between school and foreign families is one of the main elements on which a positive integration is based; we need to:
• Establish a reliable relation and dialogue between parents and educational services,
• Create “mutual understanding areas”, to prevents eventual conflicts,
• Respect their values and religion,
• Put them in touch with the territorial resources (Italian language courses for adults, school support for their children, etc.)
• Develop linguistic competences
• Foster the integration and socialization process
• Plan multicultural activities to let all the class grow.
• Specific bibliography (i.e. dictionaries)
• Multimedia aids
• School material
• Books from home or from the library
• Headteacher
• Teachers
• Office School Staff
• Territorial agencies operators
• Municipal library
• Municipal administration
• Achievement of the objectives
• Results according to the following elements:
1. school success considering the starting leveL
2. feel comfortable at school
3. relationships with other students
4. parents particicipation in the school life
5. usage of specific materials.
- sharing of good practises about how to welcome foreign students
- facilitating the entrance of children of other nationalities in our school and social system
- supporting the foreign students to integrate in the new context
- fostering a positive atmosphere in the class
- building up a context that is favourable to the meeting of different cultures
- promoting communication and cooperation between school and territory on the themes of intercultural education.
The protocol establishes shared procedures about the following aspects:
- Administrative and bureaucratic (enrolment at school)
- Communicative and relational (first acquaintance)
- Educational - didactic(welcome, intercultural education, teaching of Italian second language)
- Social (relationship and cooperation with the territory)
It represents the first step to welcome the foreign student and his family.
Someone in the school office staff will be chosen for this specific task, he/she will collect the student’s school and sanitary documentation and those concerning his previous school experiences, moreover he/she will ask the student about his/her intention to avail himself/herself of the teaching of the catholic religion. Then he/she will inform the student’s family about the Italian school system.
The class teachers that will have the new student in their classes are informed about it, so that they can plan some welcome activities and a meeting with the student’s parents. The teachers will read the student’s personal file. It would be better if the teachers could have the chance to prepare the other students to welcome the new one.
According to the law the new students are inserted in the class that corresponds to their age, but we can even consider the last class he/she attended in his/her country. only exceptionally he/she will be inserted in a lower or higher class.
It’s also important to collect information about the school systems of the foreign students’ countries, their curricula and school calendars.
When we can choose among different parallel classes to insert the foreign student, we have to consider the following aspects:
- situation of the class (number of students, students with special needs)
- presence and number of other foreign students
- presence of students coming from the same country.
Beyond the administrative aspects, it’s important to collect information about the student in order top plan specific activities.
During the first meeting with the student’s parents we’ll collect information about his/her personal characteristics and school experiences and even about his parents’ situation.
A specific file will be filled in with all these data. In some cases we can ask them to cooperate with the school as cultural and linguistic mediators.
In this first phase it’s important to plan specific activities to make this entrance easier. For this purpose all classes receive a list of words or sentences in the foreign student’s language, that can be useful for the first communication with students that don’t speak Italian.
Words written in both languages can be written to give name to rooms or objects.
For those students who don’t speak Italian at all it would be better to plan activities of movement through which they can socialize without speaking.
Listening ethnic music of his/her country can be helpful to recreate familiar atmospheres.
It can be useful to show the students a map in order to see the new student’s country of origin.
The class teachers will receive some bilingual materials concerning the “routine” communications for the student’s family.
To know the student’s level of knowledge we can use questionnaires written in both languages; to know his/her socio-relational characteristics we’ll observe his attitudes and behaviours towards the other students; to know his competences we can use materials that use non verbal codes.
For the youngest students we’ll use games, such as puzzles, memory games and so on.
Known the student’s competences and specific needs, the teachers plan different ways to simplify the language learning in every school subject.
Some individualized activities are planned to improve the learning of vocabulary and of the main linguistic structures.
Depending on the availability of funds, our institute plans some activities of linguistic support held either by the school teachers or some external teachers. Before starting these activities, some meetings between class teachers and course teachers take place.
A first phase concerns the development of the language to communicate, a second one concerns the linguistic reinforcing, useful to study the different subjects.
It’s possible to find simplified texts about the various school subjects and specific texts about teaching-learning Italian as a second language. It’s also important to enhance the value of the foreign students’ languages through different strategies, such as introduce some words to the class, collects poems, chants, songs and tales in different languages.Intercultural education activities are also when we listen to our students, when we compare different points of view about a problem, a situation or an event; all these activities can be useful to overcome and/or prevent stereotypes or prejudices. As a matter of fact interculture is a cross-curricular subject.