Thursday, December 25, 2008

Project activities we intend to carry out in the course of the school year 2008/2009

• Brainstorming about the topic;
• Questionnaires for students and for parents to use throughout the project to evaluate its impact.
• (It’s important to translate the answers and send the results to the co-ordinator that will spread the results, in order to compare the different cultures);
• Logo Competition: Invention of the LOGO of the project (a picture or a symbol that represents the most relevant aspects of the project):the students will be asked to draw a symbol, then the teachers of every school will choose and send the most meaningful to the coordinating school that finally will choose the best one among the four pictures coming from the different partner schools.
• Reciprocal knowledge activities: the students of every partner school will introduce themselves, their own town and school through photos/drawings/texts/videos….
• These products will be exchanged among the partner schools.
• Start pen friends: it would be interesting and motivating for the children to start corresponding with their partners by e-mail and/or ordinary mail.
• during the meeting we should choose among the following activities, those we intend to carry out during the first year. Then we have to think about methodologies, instruments, times …
• Elaboration of cross-curricular teaching units in order to involve the teachers of the different areas in the development of the project activities;
• collect and exchange: traditional stories, lullabies, chants and so on (younger children);
• collect and exchange: legends, tales about the creation of the world, passages about daily life, historical or contemporary passages about our system of social and professional organization. (older students).
• Creation of a website to display the project results, report on the work, its progress, chat on forum.
• Creation of a notice board about the project inside each school.
• Involvement of the school staff: monitoring the number of immigrant students in our schools and their origin, and/or the number of emigrant students and their destinations; list and compare the “instruments” each institution has already created to make the integration of the foreign students easier
• Plan “listening time” activities: parents/grandparents and/or people coming from other countries tell stories belonging to their own culture; compare, without discriminating, the different values found in the texts/stories read and listened
• Stimulate students’ creativity through the creation of intercultural tales, mixing words and contents inspired by texts of different origins
• Plan some teaching units about cinema: significant movies can let our children know each country’s way of living in a more real way
• Comenius “Inter-Cool-Ture Day”: final meeting, held in each institute, with all the students involved in the project.

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