The fair runs from early December until Christmas Eve and can be found in some streets and squares. Here you will find all sorts of hand made gifts, intricate nativity scenes and the Caga Tió log.
Christmas Eve
Midnight mass as Christmas Eve becomes Christmas Day is very important in Spain (presumably as the Catholics rush to confess to their Christmas gluttony!)
The biggest 'misa del gallo' is at the Benedictine monastery at Montserrat near Barcelona
Tió de Nadal or Caga Tió
A log painted with a smiley face and cared for from after El Dia de Inmaculada, which is December 8. Then, either on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve (it varies), the children beat the log (and throw him into the fire, if they have one) and sing songs enticing it to 'shit some presents', 'tió' is Catalan for 'log'.
A log painted with a smiley face and cared for from after El Dia de Inmaculada, which is December 8. Then, either on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve (it varies), the children beat the log (and throw him into the fire, if they have one) and sing songs enticing it to 'shit some presents', 'tió' is Catalan for 'log'.
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